There’s always something to learn from watching a golf tournament – something to apply the next time we tee it up. And it usually involves the way the pros minimize their mistakes. But the best learning experience of all isREAD MORE

I had seen this shot before. My ball was in the trees, about 110 yards from the green. One problem: The huge bunker on the left side of the green was right in my way, and there was virtually noREAD MORE

A friend recently showed up for our weekly round with new PXG clubs. Naturally, we all wanted to see whether “the science of sexy” is as alluring as it’s made it out to be. It didn’t take long to findREAD MORE

No more excuses. Think you’re too old? Look at Phil Mickelson. Don’t think you can curb your temper on the golf course? Watch how Lefty does it. Don’t have enough time to practice? Observe how much he loves our greatREAD MORE

It’s a daily decision: Do I take on the Sudoku rated “hard,” which takes about 10-15 minutes, or do I play the “expert,” which can take a lot longer? Sometimes, I face the same dilemma when choosing golf courses. DoREAD MORE

There’s a new debate on the golf course, and it’s not about equipment or the new rules or how to tackle the pace-of-play issue. It’s about something many of us love when we’re not partaking of our great game. It’sREAD MORE

Our great game is one of exploration, and not just when we hit a wayward drive. Part of the fun is playing courses for the first time and discovering fascinating holes. You never know where you will find them. TheREAD MORE

You can find a lot of good in bad lies. No, I’m not condoning fibbing about your score. I’m advocating for learning how to play our great game the right way – which makes your score a whole lot moreREAD MORE

One of my earliest golf memories came long before I actually got on a course. I watched the Chicago sports report on television religiously, and one of the sportscasters, Bruce Roberts, had a routine that made our great game lookREAD MORE

It started out well. Yes, the wind was blowing – it would be a two-club wind, at least. But I struck the ball well on the driving range. I was in balance. I was able to control the spin ofREAD MORE

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